Interview Prep


Linear Regression



Decision Trees

questionWhy does L1 regularisation lead to sparsity?
ansL1 regularization encourages sparsity by penalizing the absolute values of coefficients in a model. This penalty tends to shrink less important features towards zero, effectively removing them from the model and promoting a simpler, more interpretable solution.
questionCan R square be negative
ansYes, R-squared can be negative. This occurs when the model performs worse than a model that simply predicts the mean of the target variable. It indicates that the chosen model is not a good fit for the data and performs worse than a naive baseline model. Negative R-squared values typically indicate severe overfitting or a poorly chosen model.
questionWhat is curse of dimensionality?
ansThe curse of dimensionality refers to various problems that arise when dealing with high-dimensional data. As the number of features or dimensions increases, the volume of the space grows exponentially, leading to several challenges like sparse data, computation complexity, increased risk of overfitting and diminishing returns.
questionWhy does L1 regularisation lead to sparsity?
ansL1 regularization encourages sparsity by penalizing the absolute values of coefficients in a model. This penalty tends to shrink less important features towards zero, effectively removing them from the model and promoting a simpler, more interpretable solution.
questionCan R square be negative
ansYes, R-squared can be negative. This occurs when the model performs worse than a model that simply predicts the mean of the target variable. It indicates that the chosen model is not a good fit for the data and performs worse than a naive baseline model. Negative R-squared values typically indicate severe overfitting or a poorly chosen model.
questionWhat is curse of dimensionality?
ansThe curse of dimensionality refers to various problems that arise when dealing with high-dimensional data. As the number of features or dimensions increases, the volume of the space grows exponentially, leading to several challenges like sparse data, computation complexity, increased risk of overfitting and diminishing returns.
questionWhy does L1 regularisation lead to sparsity?
ansL1 regularization encourages sparsity by penalizing the absolute values of coefficients in a model. This penalty tends to shrink less important features towards zero, effectively removing them from the model and promoting a simpler, more interpretable solution.
questionCan R square be negative
ansYes, R-squared can be negative. This occurs when the model performs worse than a model that simply predicts the mean of the target variable. It indicates that the chosen model is not a good fit for the data and performs worse than a naive baseline model. Negative R-squared values typically indicate severe overfitting or a poorly chosen model.
questionWhat is curse of dimensionality?
ansThe curse of dimensionality refers to various problems that arise when dealing with high-dimensional data. As the number of features or dimensions increases, the volume of the space grows exponentially, leading to several challenges like sparse data, computation complexity, increased risk of overfitting and diminishing returns.

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